Privacy Policy

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Work Jeje is a pan-African technological company that is poised to applying not just effective but also efficient technological solutions to basic problems that saddles Africa by using software and hardware solutions. As a leading technology platform, Work Jeje sees problems as opportunities to innovate and solve problems ravaging the African community. In Work Jeje we allow clients and brands to connect with service providers which gives them ease of access in order to solve their basic problems.


Please read the Terms of Service carefully before you start to use the Site. By using the Site, opening an account or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Service when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy, found herein, incorporated herein by reference. If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Service or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Site.


"User", "you", "your" means an individual who visits or uses the website, including via the API "Work Jeje" means "site", "platform", "website" "Client" means any individual or organization who registers on the platform and is in need of a service provider(s), and books the service provider(s) for work. "Service provider(s)" means any individual or business who registers on the platform and has the skills to render at least one of the services listed on the platform. Also known as "freelancers" "Professions" means job/work/task or any activities that need to be done by a service provider(s). "Services" means gig work offered on Work Jeje. "Price type" means the preferred way service providers charge for their services, either hourly or fixed. "Availability" means the number of days and hours a service provider is available to render a service. "Servicing request/New request/Pending request tab" is a request made for a servicing by the client while the request is pending to be accepted by the service provider. "Accepted Booking Service" means a physical or virtual booking has been accepted by a service provider. "Declined booking Service" means a service provider declines a booking request. "Start job" is a call to action a service provider clicks indicating that he/she has started rendering their services to the client that booked them. "Ongoing booking Service" means a booking currently ongoing at a client's physical location. "Complete job" is a call to action a service provider clicks indicating that the service rendered has been completed. "Confirm Complete job" is a call to action a client clicks confirming that the service rendered has been completed. "Completed booking service" means a booking has been successfully completed by the service provider and confirmed by the client. "Messaging" takes place when a client and a service provider chat with each other when a booking has taken place.


This platform is offered and available to users who are 18years old or older. If you are under 18years, you are expected to have a guardian register on your behalf and manage your account until you are of legal age. By using this Site, you represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with the Company and meet all of the foregoing eligibility requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Site. Our Customer Support team is available 24/7 if you have any questions regarding the platform or Terms of Service. Contacting our Customer Support team can be performed by calling +234-906-851-2013 or send us mail at [email protected]


  • Registration to Work Jeje website and app is free
  • Clients register with their basic information
  • Service providers register with their basic information, profile & portfolio
  • Only registered users can request for a service or accept a service.
  • All users complete their registration by providing a means of identification.


You are solely responsible for your use of the site and any content you post on the site, and you will be held responsible for any claim against Work Jeje because of your content. When you upload your profiles and portfolios, also called "content" on the site or provide Work Jeje with content, you understand and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for such content. Further, you represent and warrant that you have the right, power, and authority to post that content without violating the rights of third parties, and grant the licenses specified below. You acknowledge and agree that the poster of content, and not Work Jeje, is responsible for any content including any harm caused to you, another user, or a third party by such content. You will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Work Jeje, our Affiliates, and our respective directors, officers, employees, representatives, and agents (each an "Indemnified Party") from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, losses, and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and all related costs and expenses) arising from or relating to any claim, suit, proceeding, demand, or action brought by you or a third party or other user against an Indemnified Party relating to or arising out of any content you post.


This explains uses of the Site that are not allowed, as detailed below: You may not use, or encourage, promote, facilitate, or instruct, induce, or otherwise influence or cause others: (1) to use the site or site services for any activities that violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation; for any other illegal or fraudulent purpose or any purpose that is harmful to others, or (2) to transmit, store, display, distribute or otherwise make available content that is illegal, fraudulent or harmful to others.


The following are examples of uses that are prohibited on the Site or when using the Site Services:

  1. Seeking, offering, promoting, supporting, or endorsing services, content, or activities that: are defamatory, illegal, violent, profane, vulgar, threatening, unlawfully discriminatory, illegal, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit in nature;
  2. Anything that would violate the intellectual property rights, such as and including copyrights, of another person, entity, service, product, or website;
  3. Any content that would violate (a) Work Jeje’s Terms of Service, (b) the terms of service of another website or any similar contractual obligations, or (c) the academic policies of any educational institution; (d) regard or promote in any way any escort services, prostitution, or sexual acts; or
  4. Any conduct that is, in Work Jeje’s determination, violent or harassing toward another person or endorses or encourages violence or harassment towards others, including based on the individual's or group's inclusion in a protected class as defined by applicable law;
  5. Fraudulent or misleading uses or content, including: misrepresenting your experience, skills, or information, including by representing another person’s profile, or parts of another person’s profile, as your own;
  6. Using a profile photo that is not you, misrepresents your identity or represents you as someone else, or any other activity that misrepresents your identity;
  7. Impersonating any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a Work Jeje’s representative, or falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity;
  8. Falsely stating or implying a relationship with another user, including an Agency continuing to use a service provider’s profile or information after the service provider no longer works with the Agency;
  9. Erroneously attributing statements to any Work Jeje’s representative, host;
  10. Wrongly stating or implying a relationship with Work Jeje or with another company with whom you do not have a relationship;
  11. Allowing another person to use your account, which is misleading to other users; or
  12. Fraudulently stating that one service provider will render the service on a job when another will in fact render the service;
  13. Inciting or encouraging violence;
  14. Uploading identifying information concerning another person;
  15. Making or demanding bribes or demanding other payments without the intention of or without actually providing services in exchange for the payment;
  16. Duplicating or sharing accounts;
  17. Selling, trading, or giving an account to another person without Work Jeje’s consent;
  18. Sharing or soliciting Means of Direct Contact with or from another User either directly through messages or by including Means of Direct Contact at a booking;
  19. Interfering or attempting to interfere with the proper operation of the site or site services or any activities conducted on the site, including by:
  20. Bypassing any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the site or any subparts of the site, including, without limitation, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on use of the site or the content therein;
  21. Attempting to interfere with or compromise, or actually interfering with or compromising, the system integrity or security of the servers running the site, or attempting to or deciphering any transmissions to or from the servers running the Site;
  22. Using any robot, spider, scraper, or other automated means to access the site for any purpose without our express written permission;
  23. Collecting or harvesting any personally identifiable information, including Account names, from the Site;
  24. Introducing any invalid data, virus, worm, or other harmful or malicious software code, agent, hidden procedure, routine, or mechanism through or to the site that is designed to or known to cause to cease functioning, disrupt, disable, harm, or otherwise impair in any manner, including aesthetic disruptions or distortions, the operation of (or to allow you or any other person to access or damage or corrupt data, storage media, programs, equipment, or communications or otherwise interfere with operations of or on) the site or any software, firmware, hardware, computer system, or network of Work Jeje or any third party;
  25. Accessing or attempting to access the site or site services by any means or technology other than the interface provided; or
  26. Framing or linking to the site or its Services except as permitted in writing by Work Jeje.
  27. Conduct or actions that could jeopardize the integrity of or circumvent the site, site services or Work Jeje’s proprietary information, including:
  28. Attempting to or actually reverse engineering, modifying, adapting, translating, preparing derivative works from, decompiling, or interfering with the operation of, or otherwise attempting to derive source code from, any part of the site or site services unless expressly permitted by applicable law or Work Jeje; or
  29. Accessing or using the site or site services to build a similar service or application, identify or solicit Work Jeje’s Users, or publish any performance or any benchmark test or analysis relating to the Site.


  1. You must use a valid email address, and Work Jeje reserves the right to verify this at any time.
  2. You may not select or use the identity of another person with the intent to impersonate that person.
  3. Your account is strictly personal and shall not be used by any other person without your supervision. Neither shall you assign your account to any other person.
  4. You are responsible for keeping your password secure.
  5. You are in any event solely responsible for the use of the Service through your personal user account.
  6. We may change, terminate, or restrict access to any aspect of the Service or your account, at any time, without notice
  7. We reserve the right to impose limitations of use based on what we consider fair or legitimate usage.
  8. You are responsible for your use of Work Jeje, including the lawfulness of any content displayed, shared, uploaded or otherwise made available by you in the Service (“the User Content”) You may not post nude, partially nude, or sexually suggestive photos.
  9. You are responsible for any activity that occurs under your screen name.
  10. You must not abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate other Work Jeje users
  11. You may not use the Work Jeje service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. International users agree to comply with all local laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content.
  12. You are solely responsible for your conduct and any data, text, information, screen names, graphics, photos, profiles, audio and video clips, links ("Content") that you submit, post, and display on the Work Jeje platform.
  13. You must not modify, adapt or hack Work Jeje or modify another website so as to falsely imply that it is associated with Work Jeje.
  14. You must not access Work Jeje’s private API by any other means other than the Work jeje application itself.
  15. You must not crawl, scrape, or otherwise cache any content from Work Jeje including but not limited to user profiles and portfolios.
  16. You must not, in the use of Work Jeje, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
  17. Work Jeje will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the above requirements. Violation of any of these agreements will result in the termination of your Work Jeje account.
While Work Jeje prohibits such conduct and content on its site, you understand and agree that Work Jeje cannot be responsible for the Content posted on its web site and you nonetheless maybe exposed to such materials and that you use the Work Jeje service at your own risk. Your use of Work Jeje services requires that you have hardware, software and an Internet connection fulfilling certain recommended requirements, as may be specified in our Support Center. If the recommended requirements are not met, you may potentially still use the Service, but normally with a lower quality or performance. Such reduced quality or performance will not give you the right to claim any compensation from Work Jeje. To use the Service, you will need to sign up to Work Jeje. You may sign up to the platform and complete your profile registration by following the instructions on the Website or other instructions prompted to you. You are responsible for providing and maintaining accurate and updated personal information, and for safeguarding your account information. Services for Work Jeje, are provided by, and are subject to the Work Jeje Terms of Service. You are responsible for compliance with all service laws. By using the Services, you are giving Work Jeje consent to have access to your details. If you do not consent to this, you are free to leave the site. By agreeing to these terms and continuing to use the Work Jeje Platform, you agree to be bound by the Work Jeje Terms of Service, as the same may be modified by Work Jeje from time to time.